My love for working with data started when I first studied statistics and probability. At that time, the pressing question was how humanity could practically apply all of these theories on a large scale. Another pivotal step was when I studied engineering, delving deeply into mathematics, especially linear algebra. The same question resurfaced. The answer finally came with the tremendous development in computer capabilities and the vast increase in the amount of data. This enabled us to use all of these theories and apply them in algorithms on vast quantities of data that humans could not process. As a result, we became able to answer critical questions in our evolutionary journey.

Simply put, data analysis based on statistical principles can now answer two main questions: what happened in the past and why it happened. Then came artificial intelligence and machine learning, relying on mathematics and statistics and taking us much further than before. We can now answer questions about the future, such as what will happen and how to prepare for it.

Due to all of the above, data science has become a significant driver of human civilization's development in all fields. Those who do not join the bandwagon will be like a traveler on a camel in the age of airplanes.

After two years of working with data in various domains, whether as a freelancer or as a full-time employee, I have gained a lot of knowledge and there is still so much more to learn.

Therefore, our vision is to continue to evolve in this field to help entities, individuals, and institutions join the bandwagon and achieve maximum benefit from this precious treasure.